Sharon Gary is simply the best practitioner I’ve ever worked with. -Ashton A.
When we are hurting and injured we crave nothing more than to have someone touch us to massage away the pain. Someone who knows what to do and equally importantly what not to do to make it feel better. Manual therapies, expertly applied, can significantly alter our experience of pain. Different techniques used at different times during the recovery process can make all the difference in how you feel. Done gently and sensitively, the appropriate manual techniques at just the right time and place can be an important piece of your overall recovery.
Sharon expertly and sensitively integrates different manual approaches to your unique situation. An intuitive practitioner, she selects the best up-to-date manual therapies for your specific needs and preferences. She is skilled at applying a variety of techniques including massage, myofascial release and joint mobilizations to ease your injury and pain. Hands-on therapies, in conjunction with exercise, help speed the healing process. They provide relief from pain by easing tightness in your body, soothing hot tender points, breaking open stiffness, decreasing neural overactivity, increasing blood flow and decreasing swelling in irritable muscles or joints.
Sharon incorporates:
- Massage
- Deep Tissue Massage
- Myofascial Release
- Trigger Point Therapy and Treatment
- Strain-Counterstrain
- Maitland’s Joint Mobilizations (great for back and neck pain, sciatica and more)
- PNF techniques to mobilize, strengthen and heal the body